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ESG ? We’re doing that already, aren’t we?

In an article for Export Compliance Manager, White & Case partner Cristina Brayton-Lewis and associate Jessica Lynd are quoted about the application of ESG principles to trade compliance.

« From an export compliance stand point, we’ve been seeing a shift from strict compliance to one that looks at the export compliance framework more holistically – not just considering license obligations, but also from an ESG and investor perspective. From whether the transaction complies with applicable laws to considering the broader context of the transaction, » Brayton-Lewis said.

Lynd discussed the demand from investors and customers: « The support for the work has increased due to capital markets demanding ESG disclosures. That will get compliance teams access to capital. »

See the full article here

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Cristina Brayton-Lewis

Cristina Brayton-Lewis

Partner|Washington, DC 


International TradeTechnologyFinancial InstitutionsTaiwanEconomic Sanctions & Export Controls

Jessica Lynd

Jessica Lynd

Associate|Washington, DC 


International Trade

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